My Wireless Network Doesn’t Work When the Baby is Sleeping

Having a baby could affect your wireless communication? Yes. Well, indirectly yes. Who has a baby and a wireless network will most likely have a baby monitor. We all like to spend our time blogging, or browsing the Internet while the baby is asleep, but we couldn’t blog a word if we didn’t keep an … Read more

How to make a Loopback Cable

Sometimes in order to test a computer’s hardware or software we need a network link for the network adapter. The solution, very often, is to carry around a hub.
If you don’t want to carry around a hub, or you simply don’t have it, you can create a network loopback cable. The loopback cable will work as the computer was connected to a real network transmitting and receiving packets. This kind of setup allows the technician to troubleshoot hardware.

Email address Spoofing – Someone is Using My address to Send Spam

You just got a bounce-back email saying that your email didn’t reach the destination because the recipient doesn’t exist. Nothing unusual, this is something that happens to anybody who is using email regularly; except you didn’t send that email. How could this happen? If you are an email server administrator and many of your users get this kind of bounce-back they all start to complain at once, thinking that your server has been hijacked. What can you do to stop this, and how to reassure your users that you haven’t been hijacked?