My Wireless Network Doesn’t Work When the Baby is Sleeping

Having a baby could affect your wireless communication?

Yes. Well, indirectly yes. Who has a baby and a wireless network will most likely have a baby monitor. We all like to spend our time blogging, or browsing the Internet while the baby is asleep, but we couldn’t blog a word if we didn’t keep an eye on the baby.

Many baby monitors will interfere with wireless networks. The wireless connection will work for most of the time and then suddenly it will stop working; after a wile will resume functioning properly. It could work without interruption but slow down transfer rates as network error corrections will be needed more than regularly.

How TO Eliminate Interference Between Baby Monitors and Wireless Networks?

Make sure you verify the band used by the baby monitor is not overlapping with the wireless band. If it does, you can change the channel on your Baby Monitor. How do you know if it overlaps? Read the instructions manual, and if you don’t have it, just try different channels on your baby monitor until you get a stable connection on your Network.
Another option would be to change the channel used by your wireless access point. If you have an old baby monitor consider buying a newer model, the newer models have less interference with your WiFi Network. I know that this sounds so un-green and consumerist, but I tested this and newer and more expensive models are better protected to interferences.
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Is your Toddler Curious about the Little Box on the Wall?

If your child is a toddler he’ll be very curious about the different devices hanging around in your office and he will find your wireless AP. They will try, whenever they have the chance, to press any buttons and pull all the cables. Make sure, when your connection goes off, to check all the connections to the access point and to the modem. Consider to move your devices where your child cannot reach them.